Book Marketing Service How To Market & Sell Your Book

Why pre-launch book marketing services are essential especially, today. The publication is affected by several events in the current environment and conditions, such as cancellation events, limited employee business trips, and telecommuting.

Also, as consumers reduce in-store purchases, online orders and the consumption of eBooks and audiobooks tend to increase. According to the report, the overall increase in traffic for books and literature is the biggest compared to other popular consumer groups. Needless to say, if you are launching your book title soon, most consumer activities and sales are likely to take place online.

For traditional publishers, large orders can improve print performance and bring excitement to a new edition. Previous topics can make a publisher’s marketing team take a book more seriously and invest more time, creativity, and marketing costs to increase potential best sellers.

For self-published authors, an increase in pre-order could trigger an algorithm that warns retail sites like Amazon. This will increase the likelihood that your book will appear on the “Featured Releases” list, which will improve pre-orders and post-launch sales and name recognition.

Pre-Launch Book Marketing Tips

Did you write a great masterpiece? Want to know how to launch a book that costs a few dollars or more when release? Then, in this blog post, we have suggestions for six pre-launch book marketing tips that will likely help sell more books rather than burning your bank accounts.

Create A Buzz Online 

Most marketing strategies for your books (sometimes called author platforms) are the relationship initially defined between you and the book. The goal is to find readers and think that you are an expert or an authority in this book, be it gardening or mysterious writing.

The first step in setting up an author platform is to create a professional author website that proves that you are an expert or writer in your field. If necessary, you must also present your book. Keeping a blog on your website will help attract readers and continue to publish them in your work. Remember that your goal is to attract book readers. Therefore, unless you publish a book on writing, you want to create content related to the topic of the book, not content related to the writing process.

Teasing For Attention

Teasing is always a worthy marketing strategy, especially if you want to involve many individuals. This method can act as a representative for your book. Its main objective is to really attract people to your book and make them purchase it. You can put a very interesting piece of text in a digital workbook and share it. Let people see what your book is about and make them read more.

Leverage The Power Of Social Media 

How to market your book before publication? Simple. Leverage the power of social media. Many channels can help you expand your fans, and each channel is dedicated to different audiences. Instagrammer is not always active on Facebook. First, you need to think about the people you want to contact and then contact them through specific channels. Also, remember that the most significant rule of social media is periodicity. Please post regularly! Be patient, as the results may not appear at the beginning. Keep posting. Build a fanbase and talk to them.

Reach Out To Every Platform 

Grant Cardone, the best-selling author, and entrepreneur said that if you want to increase the chances of success significantly, be everywhere.

Attract more people by exposure to podcasts, blogs, library events, book fairs, local social gatherings, niche-related groups, etc. Many people want to know how to get out and appear in front of so many people. This is very simple, “interact.” It also acts as a channel that connects as many people as possible and connects other networks. Yes, sometimes you have to leave your comfort zone and become sociable.

Create A Mailing List 

There are several places on your website that require visitors to subscribe to your email list. Do not send spam to your subscribers, and do not add people you do not want to participate in. However, you can ask if you can add it. You can use online tools to create pop-ups on your website to catch visitors’ attention and link them to registration reasons, such as a free first chapter of your book, limited edition novels, and related checklists for your audience. This object aims to help you obtain the author’s email address.

Consider Hiring Book Marketing Service

Professional book marketing services can be expensive, but you can find many agencies that can work according to your budget. A good book marketing agency can help you and your books promote on social media. They use review channels and organize marketing activities. Expert book marketing generally doesn’t focus on book sales but helps in good publicity that led to book sales.


Pre-launch book marketing and sales are an essential part of a book’s marketing tactic. Pre-launch consumer marketing can increase sales awareness and advance orders. To achieve early online discoveries and sales, you need to define headlines using the necessary metadata while creating themes and reader engagement.

Marketing your book takes time and effort. That is why many authors hire book marketing services for instant results.